Programme and Project Implementation


Improvements to the labelling and artwork service in many organisations requires running a programme of projects to put a variety of different capabilities in place. Be4ward works with many organisations to help deliver all aspects of this implementation activity.


Designing the most appropriate solutions, be they labelling and artwork processes, organisations, technologies or capabilities that are required for an effective end-to-end labelling and artwork solution, is at the core of what the Be4ward team of labelling and artwork subject matter experts do.

We have experience in designing the most appropriate solutions for our clients no matter how large or small their organisation is, however complex or straight forward it may be. We are also very used to dealing with virtual organisations, where many of the capabilities that are required will need to be delivered through third party organisations such as external artwork and graphics providers, translation providers, contract manufacturers and printed component suppliers.

The end result of much of the design process is a set of design documents. Through our extensive experience, our team has developed a number of tools that help us ensure that we can help clients author comprehensive design documentation in a timely and efficient manner.

Be4ward prides itself on its independence from the supply base. This allows us to help clients make the impartial decisions that are critical to their success.


Implementing labelling and artwork capabilities involves selecting a number of different vendors to provide different aspects of the end-to-end solution.  Some of these are significant purchases and others are long term service relationships.  For many organisations these sourcing decisions require a significant amount of rigor to ensure that the most appropriate providers are selected.

To complicate matters further, the supply base for labelling and artwork solutions and service providers is broad, with many different suppliers who have varying levels of capability. Be4ward's experience in selecting and working with many vendors can provide clients with critical insights that they would not otherwise have had access to in the procurement process.

Be4ward is often employed by clients to assist in the overall procurement process. Indeed, we can run the entire procurement process if necessary. Our involvement often includes such aspects as:

  • Authoring requirements documents
  • Authoring procurement process documents
  • Analysing vendor responses and responding to their questions
  • Running and/or participating in vendor interview/demonstrations
  • Summarising and presenting recommendations to senior management


Labelling and artwork is no different to any other complex, multi-disciplined, multi-organisation programme, it needs a bespoke set of plans to ensure optimal delivery in any particular situation. Furthermore, these plans need to be designed to be adaptable to the inevitable challenges and changes that will occur.

Having been involved in many labelling and artwork programmes and in various roles, we have significant experience in developing and executing labelling and artwork programmes and project plans.

When planning labelling and artwork activities, our clients gain access to a wealth of planning knowledge that has been tried and tested.


Labelling and artwork is a very cross-functional and cross-organisational topic. Improvement programmes need numerous skills – functional SMEs, technical and technological skills, change management skills, programme and project management skills.

One of the initial challenges an organisation faces when embarking on a labelling and artwork improvement programme is to understand what roles they will need to support their programme. Be4ward can assist in helping design appropriate teams, define role specifications and assist in the selection process.

Furthermore, Be4ward has access to a broad range of suitably skilled and experienced team members available to our clients on a full or part time basis. The types of consultants we typically provide to clients include:

  • Senior subject matter experts
  • IT architects
  • Business analysts
  • Change management consultants
  • Validation specialists
  • Programme and project managers

If you are struggling to design your team or staff, please do not hesitate to contact us and discuss how we might help.


Labelling and artwork systems deal with critical GMP data and handle information impacting patient safety.  Furthermore, in most cases companies are looking for electronic signature functionality to avoid paper approval of artworks.  This drives a requirement for the highest standards of system validation.

For the majority of companies, applying the appropriate quality standards and processes to a programme and their resulting capabilities is critical to success.

Our team has worked with many clients to help define and implement the appropriate approaches to the quality and validation aspects of labelling and artwork system functionality.


Financial estimates are critical in many organisations to secure the appropriate finance to implement new capabilities.

Labelling and artwork is very cross-functional and involvement in budgeting from all of the functional areas is essential to develop reliable estimates. This can be difficult to do without the benefit of experience.

The Be4ward team has the experience of multiple projects that they can use to help companies develop thorough and robust estimates.