Don’t forget that we are holding another in the series of serialisation technology days with PCE Mettler Toledo, this time with IPT Ltd, Mettler Tolledo’s representatives in Cork, Ireland. The events we have done in the UK recently have been a resounding success and I am sure this one will be no exception.
With Pfizer, Tracelink, CI Vision and, of course, Be4ward and PCE Mettller Tolledo presenting at the event, together with hands-on software and equipment demonstrations, I am sure it will very educational.
It would be great to see you at the event if you can make it. To register for the event please follow this link:
Should you have any questions about this or any other of my blogs, or would simply like to request a copy of my booklets, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].
For more information on serialisation, go to our free download section.