Serialization with the Canadian Association for Pharmaceutical Distribution Management

Written by Be4ward on 24/09/2012

Serialization with the Canadian Association for Pharmaceutical Distribution Management

Many thanks to Alan Reynolds and the team at CAPDM for inviting me to speak to them about global trends in product coding and serialization.

I had the pleasure of presenting to about seventy of the CAPDM members a couple of weeks ago in Toronto. We discussed a simple model to help understand the requirements of the various pieces of legislation around the world and the impacts that this has on the supply chain.

The Canadian supply chain is faces imminent legislation to manage product coding at the item level in the vaccines supply chain, and guidelines to extend this to all Pharma products in the next few years. Whilst serialization is not likely for a number of years, I understand that Health Canada are closely monitoring the US epedigree and Global situation, with the intention of considering legislation in the next couple of years.

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