Things we wish we had known before starting a serialisation program or project – Tip 8

Written by Be4ward on 30/11/2015

Things we wish we had known before starting a serialisation program or project – Tip 8

Do not underestimate the amount of resources required to deliver serialisation

Given the broad reaching impacts of serialisation across an organisation, a great deal of time and effort is required to deliver effective solutions.

It is all too easy for projects to focus on aspects such as line solutions and the enterprise IT and miss some of the other impacted areas.

As with all projects, deliverables cannot be achieved to acceptable time, cost and quality without sufficient resources with the right skills and knowledge being applied to the prob­lem at the right time.

Many of us have a tendency to underestimate the amount of resources required to achieve any given set of tasks. This can often be compounded by the new nature of serialisation; meaning, that organisations have little or no analogous experience to be able to adequately assess the resources needed.

Therefore, in order to ensure the correct level of available resources throughout the project, we would recommend starting conservatively in defining the resource levels required and tracking the achievement of resourcing plans and resource utilization.

I hope you enjoyed this instalment on Things we wish we had known before starting a serialisation program or project. Please check back in next week for the continuation in this series.

Should you have any questions about this or any other of my blogs, or would simply like to request a copy of my booklets, please don’t hesitate to contact me at [email protected].

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